Trip to the DH&P

Busy morning ( for us ) started with rather annoying late 98th minute winner for the b….y scousers in 5 mins extra time , just because the Toon were time wasting

Followed by successfully signing up for Medicare ( not quite a trip to dole office) & getting our NSW drivers license . An interesting hour wait listening to Filipinos and Indians being told they had failed their driving test . Evidently it’s too dangerous for the instructor to inform them in the car , so they bring the candidates back to the busy waiting room and give them the news in front of us all

While Anita was again failing to sort out her Woolworth’s eSim , I went for a warm winter stroll to Manly beach
Where the seagulls look remarkably like parrots

5 thoughts on “Trip to the DH&P”

  1. Did the seagulls have Australian accents or were they just there for the nice weather like you two?

    1. Evidently it’s La Niña , so if they have any sense they’ll be off to Benidorm for the warm winter

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