Saturday in Hervey Bay

After 2 days of big tours , we were going to have a relaxing day . Well as much as possible

I dropped off Anita early at her pool , unsure if the dog enjoyed or could cope with the heat
Toogoom Beach needed exploring
We didn’t quite make it back to the brunch cafe as a river blocked the route
After the walk , which Lady enjoyed and created a big hole in my stomach, it was off to a recommended brunch spot
Hervey Bay Dayman General Store , an undiscovered gem with hearty Veggie Full English and nobody else there sadly ( well in the garden anyway)
Having fed ourselves well at lunchtime, a glass of wine sundowner at Port Vernon. Settled for the rocks as a pair of cyclists pinched our bench
And enjoyed the sunset as we were fed on by the mossies
Who were undeterred by spray or fabric
The cyclists and all other sundowners shot off , obviously forewarned or experienced in mosquito warfare