Power of positivity

Another damp day In Kariong. The animals are restless , Anita is worrying about the little Turtle . 20 mins of energy flow yoga and a dog walk done . Hoovering to release more energy and now trying to clear my negativity. Here are the rules

1. Change your friends – hang around positive people ( good job these are my rules and not my friends)

2. Stop listening to the News – done

3. Limit your time on social media- Facebook gone long ago . Found these ideas on Twitter , so need some help with my life from a little SM

4.meditate after work each evening- ha , no need

5.Hit the gym – on a mat / walk someone else’s mutt

6 . Take care of yourself- half an hour to read a book( got all day )

7. Journal your emotions- not me , this is it

8.use positive affirmation to start the day- do it in a way

9.Try yoga or Tai chi – done

10. Spend more time in nature- every day even in the rain

11, 12 , 13….it goes on

16. Invest in a Himalayan Salt lamp – sorry Fiona – no chance

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