Paying respect

Today we decided to go over to Sydney and say good buy to HRH or as she is s as Lao known ( according to JFR ) big chief Sheila

Bit choppy on the Manly to Circular Quay ferry
But it was free – somehow
Extra loop round the Botanical Gardens
Earning Sweatcoins
Plenty of moving messsges
From the Governor General
A nice pic of the Queen
Coffee at the Quay
Beyond the Rocks
Rock on a car in a roundabout!

Evening trip to Newport on the bus for a pub quiz at the local real ale bar , with Joss , a bloke called Alan from Rawdon and Mike from Halifax , plus a local Sheila . Came joint second by a point ! lost on Aussie speed skaters and Russell Crowe books

Back to Manly

Left the dogs in Newcastle, bless them , to head back for two nights . Stopped off for house instructions in the next sit which is on the way to Ella’s, an hour North in a place called Kariong. Looks good

Whilst Ella and Anita were having a mother daughter chat I went for an explore of the area . Freshwater bay , just north of Manly beach
There is rock art there
Obligatory Surf club
Manly past the headland
Curl Curl beach – good waves and loads of surfers
Cracking sand

Back home then out to the Manly 16ft Skiff Sailing club for steak night , $ 14 steak and chips , $ 13 for a pint of beer


Today and yesterday were a day of beaches . When your near the coast in Australia that’s what you get . So your going to see a few photos of them with Anita in

Yesterday afternoon after a half day of rain and mourning for the Queen and Aussie TV blanket coverage we had a trip to a beach and met a turkey on the way
I told her it was a short walk . It wasn’t , but she was so pleased when we finally arrived, she happily took up the vanguard snake clearing role
No one else risked it
Except two who were lost

A very sad day

Today there will be no blog out of respect for the passing of our wonderful Queen , Elizabeth 2nd . We both shed a tear

Anita asked a very good question. Relating to furniture. As the last age was the Elizabethan one eg our sofa is an Elizabethan sofa ( from Next ) . If we had bought it in King Charles ‘ s reign , what would we call it after he dies ?

It’s raining

Bush walk

Our two little “ fur babies “ are lovely but very early risers . Anita feeds them and I walk them . They are now in the bedroom ( bathroom & kitchen ) with us & do after an early start and with Anita working on line submitting tenders I did an early bush walk

The Yeularbah trail in Glenrock Conservation area
Mostly Gum forest and very noisy high pitched birds
No sign of Koalas or Walabies
After lunch set of into the Newcastle Wetlands. But they were too wet and not enough dry land . Even my old walking partner Andrew L wouldn’t have tried to get past the water hazards
Fortunately no Crocs and not too many bugs , just a few coots
Kookaburra and a low flying Osprey ( sorry no shots Andrew , but didn’t need a boat trip & 8 eagle eyed ornithologists to spot )
A Kookaburra with no sense of humour ( he didn’t laugh )
Mangroves and Aussies Rednecks on boats – un filmed , bit risky in the swamps
Followed the for – shortened swamp trip with a visit to downtown Newcastle. The highlight being a steelworks te enactment at the Newcastle Museum. Loved by the audience, especially the nursing home day out

The evening ended with Anita’s first ever dog poo pick up . She loved it

Last day In Singapore

As usual we counted down the hours to the taxi to the airport, but it was good to have a base in East Singapore for final exploring and classic Singapore noodles to finish

The local Banksy – make your own mind up
That’s not Anita’s bike
Didn’t try it , sadly no cats and a fasting morning for us
Local classic Chinese terrace house – nightmare on windy days

Bed time tonic

Last full day In Singapore, before off to Sydney tomorrow night. Staying with some lovely friends of Anita . Great Indian meal followed by pudding of Agar jelly ( didn’t wobble)

Very generous bedside night drinks, mine’s the one on the right

Sunday in Singapore

Sunday morning , off to Anita’s old church , St Georges Tanglin . Hot and sticky, the only person who talked to us was the visiting preacher from Melbourne. An ex Liverpudlian gloating over his teams 9-0 win over Bournemouth

Tropical afternoon by the pool at the Dutch Club . Screaming kids of the expats on a floating bouncy castle with booming music drowning out the thunder . Despite all this a jet lagged Anita slept on . Off out for a night in Chinatown

Special Chicken

Every time we go out Anita is on a mission to get her favourite Chinese chicken dish – Hainanese Chicken rice – tonight we found it

The only food counter with a queue. Took one hour , a one man show . She had a dizzy turn at the counter , most likely at the sight of the 4 pieces of boiled chicken and plain rice ( no cucumber garnish )

Fortunately my beer was affordable and my bowl of curry soup was tasty , though labour intensive ( chicken on the bone with a plastic spoon ) . We were lucky as we avoided the $58 tourist Satay sticks (6) outside

Correction- there was cucumber garnish, eaten whilst I was off serviette hunting ( unsuccessful)

All change in Singapore

Last time Anita stood here the Lion was looking out to sea with nothing in front of it.
Thian Hock Keng Mural by Yip Yew Chong – photographer recovering from Chinese Carrot Cake
They packed lighter than us
Temples of Chinatown – hiding from almighty downpour