The day started with the birthday girl opening her prezzies, a few of which she had carried half way round the world. I had a spending spree in TK Maxx . No where near as good as UK

Neil and Anita's Aussie Trip 2022
The day started with the birthday girl opening her prezzies, a few of which she had carried half way round the world. I had a spending spree in TK Maxx . No where near as good as UK
A wet and windy Monday leaves little exciting to put in a travel blog . But , it does rain in Australia. Evidently not as much here , as in NSW or in land . So as usual , for the sake of the blog and a few nice photos and a dog going crazy
So , some comments have suggested that we will get a dog on return to the UK . So a damp Sunday morning, followed by a bright afternoon after church bring and share lunch , with Anita exhausted after a busy Saturday left nothing better than a …
On leaving Granville my main job was to book a Whale Watching tour for Friday pm as were expecting a handover in the housesit after tea that evening. Anita’s had been to arrange the handover
Day before was a relaxation in the house in prep for Anita’s Redcar teaching with a trip into the town and avoidance of most things Mary Poppins
Monday was a bank holiday here and the last day of the school holidays . Australia still celebrating the Queen’s birthday . And then everyone goes home
So Sunday started very wet , which makes for a short dog loop round the lake
We arrived at the local church , unaware that Sunday was clock forward day . However , big Norm informed us they don’t in Queensland . So we are now East of Sydney and an hour behind them – an unusual anomaly
Oh I forgot Big Norm tried to recruit me to the Lions Club – not yet big Norm – too young
The Sunshine Coast is a family holiday destination for Aussies and it’s full of them . So today we slowed the pace down and didn’t do much , joining them . Timetable though was dictated by Chili’s belly and bladder
Not sure if clocks go forward tomorrow so may be up early for church
Today reinforced my observations that your average male Australian has a mullet hair cut
I feel like I am a bit overwalked on this housesit.
Did a mega walk to the pub , but .., no dogs allowed
Met up with old friends from Uni – Nige and Ali ( and Nige’s mum) . Made me realise I am terrible at keeping in touch – nobody at school or my year in Med School and only a small group of my Leeds friends – oh well . Any way they have invited us to stay in November, to fill a gap in the house sits
So we have temporarily gone up in the world moved on from our Airbnb on the Gold Coast to a Penthouse Apartment on the Sunshine Coast . Slightly unusual area as they have dug canals and lakes out of disused scrub and ex military area . But all looks good from up here