Bush walk

Our two little “ fur babies “ are lovely but very early risers . Anita feeds them and I walk them . They are now in the bedroom ( bathroom & kitchen ) with us & do after an early start and with Anita working on line submitting tenders I did an early bush walk

The Yeularbah trail in Glenrock Conservation area
Mostly Gum forest and very noisy high pitched birds
No sign of Koalas or Walabies
After lunch set of into the Newcastle Wetlands. But they were too wet and not enough dry land . Even my old walking partner Andrew L wouldn’t have tried to get past the water hazards
Fortunately no Crocs and not too many bugs , just a few coots
Kookaburra and a low flying Osprey ( sorry no shots Andrew , but didn’t need a boat trip & 8 eagle eyed ornithologists to spot )
A Kookaburra with no sense of humour ( he didn’t laugh )
Mangroves and Aussies Rednecks on boats – un filmed , bit risky in the swamps
Followed the for – shortened swamp trip with a visit to downtown Newcastle. The highlight being a steelworks te enactment at the Newcastle Museum. Loved by the audience, especially the nursing home day out

The evening ended with Anita’s first ever dog poo pick up . She loved it

3 thoughts on “Bush walk”

  1. Ok, so how do you avoid the crocodiles, poisonous snakes and baby eating spiders? Jayne and Catherine would want hazmat suits if they went out on a walk in that bush.

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