Our new friends Keith and Hilary like there tours . Keith being a country boy at heart offered a trip into the past and to meet his cousin Ed

Neil and Anita's Aussie Trip 2022
Our new friends Keith and Hilary like there tours . Keith being a country boy at heart offered a trip into the past and to meet his cousin Ed
Hot weather has hit us hard . But my job as a dog walker has been fairly seriously hampered . Lady the little black pooch basically digs her feet in and heads for the shade ! So early morning and late evening trips are the future
Today was dominated by the grass cutter . After plenty of rain , sun and warmth our grass was growing
Aussies all have petrol mowers , I’d broken ours on trying to start it . Snapping the string .
Good old Keith , an old country boy if 84 , diagnosed the problem, but it was unfixable.
Bless him , they then stuck his heavy mower and ours on his Ute , drove them to Bradman way, but made me cut the grass in 30 degree heat
Finally , we nearly came last in the quiz
So Charlie was up early to catch the rip before the crowds and then chasing the big storm to Byron . We followed a few hours behind
With the storm wrecking a weekend trip to Fraser Island and Charlie keen to to catch the point break at Noosa . We booked a cottage and hit the road
Ella and Charlie arrived Friday night bringing terrible rain and storms. The worst weather so far . Our phones continually receiving flood warnings .
Lots of bad weather sweeping in from the west
Tuesday was really all about the Quiz . Our second attempt to win the first on the buzzer trivia at the Bayswater Hotel , so we had to get out and calm our nerves
After Anita’s early Aqua Pilates we had arranged to meet Hilary and Keith for coffee
She is married to Keith , a local lad from the outback . Their speciality is outback tours . Well taking friends and family to small Aussie towns .
So we’re off on a trip later this week
Some of Australia is a little like living in the past . Sometimes mixing with the locals takes you back in time and today , church and then lunch at the vicarage ( well vicar’s cottage ) seemed a little “ old Australia “ . A classic lasagna , combined with chicken casserole followed by tinned fruit and ice cream- very sweet
Today we looked after some poor needy local man . Well , a young English doctor who needed help moving house . So we spent most of the day driving around the area picking up bits of furniture
He had no electricity in his new house for the weekend and tonsillitis, so I said we’d feed him
After a couple of drinks at the poshest ( only ) wine bar we picked him up . Poor lad was sitting in the dark, so we invited him for bnb and evening meal ( sadly he slept in on Sunday and missed b )
Finishing our first week in Hervey Bay with a busy , sunny Friday . Early start with our new friend big Chris the local minister at his Bible study group . Always good to feel so young . And fixed me up with some work for Saturday ( every day is Saturday
Is there such a thing as a dead turtle day . A take it easy day , lie in , few lengths of the outdoor pool ,
Early start for us both . Anita joining the aqua aerobics and me taking the car to the garage for a warning light .
$70 to find the car has the wrong battery in it .Not enough power for the automatic stop/start – it the dog got a walk and I had a nice coffee
The day started with the birthday girl opening her prezzies, a few of which she had carried half way round the world. I had a spending spree in TK Maxx . No where near as good as UK
A wet and windy Monday leaves little exciting to put in a travel blog . But , it does rain in Australia. Evidently not as much here , as in NSW or in land . So as usual , for the sake of the blog and a few nice photos and a dog going crazy
So , some comments have suggested that we will get a dog on return to the UK . So a damp Sunday morning, followed by a bright afternoon after church bring and share lunch , with Anita exhausted after a busy Saturday left nothing better than a …
Busy Saturday with an early start then an afternoon whale watch
On leaving Granville my main job was to book a Whale Watching tour for Friday pm as were expecting a handover in the housesit after tea that evening. Anita’s had been to arrange the handover
Day before was a relaxation in the house in prep for Anita’s Redcar teaching with a trip into the town and avoidance of most things Mary Poppins