
The heat in North Maleny

The hinterland here is supposed to be 2-3 degrees cooler than down on the coast . Heaven help them as it’s 31 feels a lot hotter than that . England’s first game of the World Cup tonight and after 5am dog feeding not sure if we can make it to 11pm kick off

Too hot for Mr Bouffa and Grandma Pink . Early morning walk prematurely abandoned due to Retriever fatigue
Slightly cooler on the veranda
As it is 40mins to the nearest pool , we tried the Barron Pocket damn and it’s roped area as recommended
Anita preferred the shade
But not the valiant swimmer
Survived despite Eels , algae
But braved a park walk with anti snake stick after recent sightings
I think it was too hot for the snakes
So the stick only provided moral support
The house was cooking
With the evening cooling I tried to entice Maddie out for a walk
But either the heat or pack instinct eon the day and no poo bags were needed around the wetlands


Maleny is evidently famous for Platypuses. Near the centre of town on the Obi Obi creek is a large viewing platform. If you sit patiently waiting for hours one might show it’s face

We have three dogs here , two of which are over 10 years old and one 45kg . Feeding requests start at 5am followed by a short and very slow 30 minute walk
The lovely Queenslander has verandas on two sides . Here is Anita , waiting Nige and Ali

Who know another viewing spot . And despite the dog and Nige almost treading on a nasty looking black snake , there were long spells of a little platypus diving and swimming. Sadly , it seemed to know where the snake was and kept a safe distance down river from us and Nige wasn’t prepared to venture back into the undergrowth for better views

Up into the hills

Moving on from Thornlands the next stop was North Maleny . A small picturesque town in the hills above the Sunshine Coast

After stopping off for a swim in Caboolture Aquatic centre and severely deficient in calories a return to Beerburrum just before the Australia Zoo and a very hearty, very late brunch , with entertainment from the next table where the owner was regaling 2 South Africans with tales of her food intolerances
After dropping the owners off at the airport back for drinks on the veranda with the Retrievers

Near death experience

So last day in Thornlands we thought that as we were on Moreton Bay we had to have some Moreton Bay Bugs .

After an aqua aerobics for Anita and a bush walk for me

Cold platter
! Didn’t ask !
Burnt the Bugs of with a 14k walk back from Wellington Point
Ambling along the track and almost stepped on tho snake . Either a Eastern Brown or a Tiger . Fortunately not too bothered about me and slithered off into the grass rather than inflicting a lethal bite

Back to Manly

A day trip to Manly and Wynnum today . Not Sydney but coastal Brisbane a good Aquatics centre for a swim

But not much of a beach
Temperature had plummeted to 25 , though in Manly , Sydney it was 16
Queensland and Brisbane have a much better climate than NSW , especially in Spring
View past Anita to North Stradbrook island
Back in Thornlands went for a wild evening walk into the mangroves . Thornlands and this part of the coast is pleasant enough, but forgettable, except for the 2 mad cats , but it’s a change from dog walks , for all those who think we want to get one


So we moved 2hours South for 5 days to look after 2 cats Sooty and Kittie ( not sweep ) in Thornland . A small suburb dug out of the bush , scrub and still surrounded by it and growing into it . West of us is Moreton Bay and the mangroves

Plenty of paths and ways wind around here and on the edge of the scrub , bush and swamp
Anita spent an evening cleaning the house again whilst I wandered round the swamps
Plenty of blue sky and hot days and a local aquatic centre kept us going
The two cats seam like sworn enemies. Oh well it’s only until Saturday. A bit of local exploration is needed – beyond the swamps

Mount Coolum

With Nige working on Monday, Ali & Anita went off to the swimming club , so with a bit of cloud cover , what better to do than put on the boots and explore

Mount Coolum summit – only a hill really
Views down the coast to Maroochydore
And up to Noosa
Back down at the seafront at Point Arkwright
And then back down the beach
Few surfers out
With the sun out and a warming Northern breeze an afternoon cycle on Nige’s electric bike – motor switched off of course
Back to the Point a different viewpoint
With fishing Osprey
And down wind cycle home

Cotton Tree for coffee

This weekend Nige and Ali treated us to all there favourite coffee cafes. Not just so that Nige could get extra stamps on his card

Best way to start Sunday morning, with a beach stroll
Sunday is also SLSC surf boat races
Just as we got there the surf increased
And they switched from caps to helmets
Nige knows how to pose
Emu park came last
Not far behind Yeppoon
Sadly no spills and a long day for these 2 fellas
Finally made it to the Cotton Tree after a swim
An evening loop of the Twin Waters
Including Nige’s favourite fishing spot with the scantily dressed fisherwoman
And finishing with a BBQ

Village and Ali

After a night at an Airbnb in Maryborough, on Friday we drove down to reunite with Nige and Ali for a few days at theirs on the Sunshine Coast at Twin Waters a small enclave near Maroochydore

More endless beaches with safe seas to swim in and lots of sun .Well almost safe to swim . The police were fussing around a breakwater as Nige and I swam out to sea . Evidently a Eastern Brown . Suddenly it jumps into the sea and Anita starts waving her arms . Fortunately it wasn’t keen in chasing the swimmers and headed for the beach to disturb the sunbathers
With an evening kayak around Twin Waters
Redgrave and Pinsent lead the way
Nige’s kayak was slower
Plenty of “ nebbing” to be done at the neighbours

Heading South

Emu park was as far North as we were going . Anita was very happy to be heading South again . Back to civilisation and clean houses

Last coffee in Emu Park
Good old Riley , looking for a scratch
No idea what this tower does
Stopped off at Bundaberg Distillery for a toon
Taste and purchase
Sadly poor old Derick the Desert Rose didn’t enjoy the trip

30000 steps

So with Anita working , today was a big exercise for me . 2 dog walks and a long walk to a national park headland

An early morning dog walk after coffee . Poor dogs pulled and cried all the way to the sea the sand was so hot in the dunes
12k walk from Kinka beach
Including a sand dune headland climb
With a climb up to the Capricorn Coast National Park
With a few turtles to see ( not without super zoom)
Views to Yeppoon
And back to Kinka – sorry just good shots really

Sunday in Yeppoon

After a very slightly odd church in Yeppoon which started a little early

It was off to the Fig Tree monthly markets
Anita did some Christmas shopping and I finally bought a Desert Rose . See how big it is in April
An early start meant the dogs were neglected and needed an afternoon walk
Which meant exploring further out of Emu Park
Local view point
Sweet little Echidna
Luigi fancied a bite ! Not the wisest decision

Great Keppel Island

With the swell fortunately settling after a few days of strong Southeasterly, keeping the temperatures down to 28 , we jumped on the ferry to Great Keppel. Biggest of the Keppel islands and the only with a resort on . Some of the best beaches in Queensland as you will see

No jetty
Brekkie on the beach
So with Anita relaxing at the resort waiting for a massage
I set off to explore what it was famous for
Bush and beaches
Plenty of sun
And few people
Empty white beaches
And a rubbish dump in the middle
Anita found a nice spot on the “ busy “ beach
With the sea waiting for a dip
Even managed to get Anita exploring
Before the ferry back to
The poor dogs
Desperate for an evening walk
Before sunset


Saturday and with not so good a forecast it was off to Rockhampton for bit of brunch , touristing and shopping

Really Rockhampton is missable. A big river , a few 19th century buildings, two Christmas shops , not many people about
A big river with crocodiles, a big old cafe with a hefty full English and a typical Aussie bar . Then off shopping to Stockland shopping centre and back to the coast


So I thought Emu Park was a suburb of Yeppoon. But , it is 20k South of it and plenty of wild beaches and resorts exist between the two

Today I can only offer you more scenic local dog walking photos
Starting with two panoramic shots
Riley is very arthritic- he’s the blonde
So Anita looks after him
Brahminy Kite
Not so keen on the rocks
Luigi though can keep going forever
Hunting for Truffles?
A beach to explore later
Rain tomorrow so off to Rockhampton

Truffle Hunters

So the new place . Emu Park on the coast near Rockhampton. In the tropics on the Tropic of Capricorn. Two Lagotto Romagnolos, Luigi and Riley

Whilst Anita cleaned the house I took them for a walk
Beautiful coastline
With many islands – the Keppels
And empty sandy beaches
Badly parked boats
Drinks and nibbles and late afternoon dog stroll

First BBQ

2 months in and after another hit but quiet day we took lady for a walk followed by beachside barbecue

A few snags on a public BBQ
Not quite up to Andrew Lawson standards of kitchen hygiene
Lady kept the wild life away
She missed the Golden Orb spider. There is a poor male in the web there

Saturday in Hervey Bay

After 2 days of big tours , we were going to have a relaxing day . Well as much as possible

I dropped off Anita early at her pool , unsure if the dog enjoyed or could cope with the heat
Toogoom Beach needed exploring
We didn’t quite make it back to the brunch cafe as a river blocked the route
After the walk , which Lady enjoyed and created a big hole in my stomach, it was off to a recommended brunch spot
Hervey Bay Dayman General Store , an undiscovered gem with hearty Veggie Full English and nobody else there sadly ( well in the garden anyway)
Having fed ourselves well at lunchtime, a glass of wine sundowner at Port Vernon. Settled for the rocks as a pair of cyclists pinched our bench
And enjoyed the sunset as we were fed on by the mossies
Who were undeterred by spray or fabric
The cyclists and all other sundowners shot off , obviously forewarned or experienced in mosquito warfare