Meeting Lady

On leaving Granville my main job was to book a Whale Watching tour for Friday pm as were expecting a handover in the housesit after tea that evening. Anita’s had been to arrange the handover

I successfully booked it for Friday am . A few mildly panicked emails later we rearranged it for Sat pm as no more room on Friday
As we had plenty of time it was off to Burrum Heads , brunch and I’d walk in the National Park whilst Anita did prep on her computer
Whilst relaxing over the local Burrum heads full English and cake , we found that our housesit owners were expecting us after lunch not tea ! Good job we checked and were not on Hervey Bay . Anyway Lady hadn’t had her daily 12k walk yet , so here we go again
Off to the prom and v long beach , with a much smaller than expected Lady . Cross between ‘Ted ‘ and a miniature poodle , but more energy than Ted – Judith knows what I mean
Miles of beach to squeeze 12k into
Complete with Ospreys on it
And nesting on the prom
There are 2 their
Lady wasn’t interested
And plenty of walkways for those avoiding the sun , but no stray croc’s here

2 thoughts on “Meeting Lady”

  1. I think you’ll be getting a dog when you get back – you seem to be getting used to having one around.

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