Walk to Tacking Point Lighthouse

Matt from the Point Church said he goes to Tacking Point every day to whale watch , so we took his advice

Plans for a pre- walk dip were scuppered by this miniature T Rex on relaxing on pool duty
And the cold pool
Start of the coastal walk
Start of Miners Beach( not busy as everyone else is driving to the lighthouse for the sunset and whales )
Looking back along Miners Beach , breaching whale calves top left
Lighthouse , car park not visible yet
Not far to go
Not entirely sure what the lady on the right is doing
Impossible to avoid a car park shot in the end
Old bods on bench doing selfie . That’s it for the day and Port Macquarie. Could have stayed longer , beautiful town , but the tour and tourists move on .

One thought on “Walk to Tacking Point Lighthouse”

  1. What a massive pool! I’ve never seen one of those lizard things in water – you’d probably have been safe,

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