Funeral 2

Quick lunch then off to Brisbane Waters sans dog

Piles Creek loop starting with a waterfall & $10 car park
Through the rainforest
And gum trees
To piles creek
And Phil Houghton Bridge
Looked very swimmable , but sadly the speedos were in the house and had to meet the shopping train
Back up to the top with fine expansive views and a nice breeze , no monkeys in sight . Can just here the band warming up
After whizzing and scrambling round the 4.9km much faster than Royals plodded up the Mall , had time for another dog walk before the Sydney “ Express” arrived at Woy Woy . Note the very big Seagull
Close up revealed to be a Pelican
Max wasn’t amused due to hunger . Off home to get the Beeb on and say we’d seen it

One thought on “Funeral 2”

  1. You’ll get known as the Pommy Forest Gump – you must have walked several marathons already.
    Fantastic views wherever you seem to step out.

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