Australia Day

Australia Day or “ Invasion Day “ as some call it , came at the end of our Northbridge sit . Everyone partied either discreetly at home or in the case of Sydney, on the nearest beach or beach park

So , while Anita and Daniel drove to the beach in Manly to snorkel. I decided to do the 12km Spit to Manly walk
Be prepared for a long series of photos of my walk to meet them
Past parks and beaches packed with Aussies
Coves and blue skies – initially
Under cliffs
Bays full of boats
More bays and more boats
As the walk went on thunder clouds came in
Up to a series of paintings
Not always so obvious
Looking down onto Manly
Finally reached Fairlight and nearing Manly
Views round to Shelley Beach
And back along Manly Beach
All that walking generated a hearty appetite for a picnic on the promenade
For his last few days in Australia & ours in Sydney , Daniel joined us . And Timmy loved him ( neither liked going for a walk )
It coincided with his birthday. So back to Manly
With a few others , Charlie, Ella and Katherine
And whilst the youngsters were out partying, we got back first to tuck into his cake